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Race regulations

45. Alutaguse Maraton

45. Alutaguse Maraton 2023


Race regulations

1. Alutaguse Marathon is a FIS calendar, Estonian Ski Association (ESA) race, and Estoloppet 2023 marathon cup and Ski Classics Challenger member.


2. Organizer of the Alutaguse Marathon is Club Alutaguse Maraton (hereafter the OC) together with Alutaguse county and sponsors.

3. Alutaguse Marathon is organized according to the ICR and long-distance races' regulations, the ICR precisions, Estoloppet main rules, and these rules. 

4. Date of the race is 11. February 2023. The marathon will take place at the Alutaguse Sport- and Recreation Centre. The start and finish are located in the ski stadium of the sports center. 


43 km mass start at 11.00

500m children's race at 11:15

2km children's race at 11.20

22 km mass start at 12.00am


5. 43 km course - 3 feeding stations + feeding at the finish.

6. 22 km course – 1 feeding station + feeding at the finish.


7. The finish will be closed at 16.30. Later finishes will result in an automatic DNF.


8. The marathon is held in classic technique.


9. All participants are responsible for their health and fitness, participation is at your own risk.

In case of emergency, call 112 and say the name of the race and the exact location (nearest km sign) where you are. Participants who have a higher risk for illness must inform the OC before the competition.


10. Minimum year of birth to participate in the 43km distance is 2007 and for the 22km distance 2009. 


11. Age groups:
Long distance (43km): N/M 17 (2005-2008), N/M 20 (2003-2005), N/M 40 (1974-1983), N/M 50 (1964-1973), M 60 (1954-1963), N 60 (1963 and earlier), M 70 (1953 and earlier); 
Short distance (22km): M/N15 (2008-2010). 

Competitors born 1983 - 2001 are competing in the overall age group.

12. 43 km starting groups will be formed by using last year's results at Estoloppet and Alutaguse marathon. If there are no results, the organizers can count also FIS points or other FIS races. There are no starting groups for short (22km) distance


13. Registration for the Alutaguse Marathon www.estoloppet.ee


14. The entry fees: 



22 km

1st round until 2.2.2023



2nd round 2.2.2023 - 8.2.2023



3rd round on the competition day




Participants born in 2003 and later and pensioners will have a discount of 50% (not valid for 3rd round entry). 


15. The entry fee will not be refunded if a participant decides not to compete.

16. In case of cancelation or postponement of the race due to weather circumstances the entry fee is not refundable. If the race is canceled, 25% of the entry fee will serve as a prepayment for the next Alutaguse marathon.


17. You can change the registered competitor the latest the day before the competition. it must be done in writing no later than 19.00pm to e-mail: alutaguse@estoloppet.ee. The request has to be sent by the already registered competitor. Re-registration fee 10€ is applied when handing out starting materials. Only cash payments are accepted. 


18. Alutaguse Marathon will use GPS tracking. Participants who are nominated to wear GPS devices must do it according to instructions from the OC.

There are designated areas around feeding stations marked for competition-related garbage (gel packages, etc). Leaving trash outside these areas in the nature is prohibited.


19. Handing out starting materials takes place on 10.02.2023 between 17 - 20 and on the competition day 11.02.2023 frm 9.00 in the Alutaguse Sport Centre.

20. The organizers will guarantee prepared course, starting bib, timekeeping (if starting bib is correctly worn), the result in the final result list, service in feeding stations and in the finish, awarding, diploma printing option on the website after the results are final, first aid. Participants must wear a GPS tracking device if the organizers are using them.

21. The unofficial results will be published after the finish on the info board and on the website (www.estoloppet.ee). The official results will be published latest at 17.00 Friday after the marathon on the official website. Competitors can send corrections and protest on missing results until Wednesday after the marathon 15.00 in writing to vahur@nelson.ee.

22. Award ceremony is at the ski stadium at 14.30. In 43km distance, awards are given for 6 best overall finishers and 3 best Ladies. Winners will be awarded prizes and trophies. A special trophy will be given to each age group winner and for the top3 M/L15 group on the 22km distance. 

23. In special cases, OC can change the course, make the course shorter of will cancel the race.

24. Protests are accepted, and the Jury will deal with protests.
* for the first 100 finishers protest time is 1 hour after the finish of the 100th competitor.
* for all others until closing the finish.
The protest fee is 20€


25. All protest and not regulated questions will be dealt with by the Jury:
1. Technical Delegate - Otto Riisenberg
2. Chief of Competition - Tiit Pekk
3. Head of OC  - Robert Peets





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